
Owner and Publisher
PLP SubCon GmbH
Schwefel 93
A-6850 Dornbirn
T +43 5572 37 26 74
F +43 5572 37 26 74 15
E office [at] plp-subcon [dot] com

Registration Number: FN 456428 v
Registration Location: Feldkirch
VAT ID: ATU 7123 9616

Design and Implementation


Martin Walser, Raphael Madlener

Terms of use
SubCon Electrical Fittings GmbH pays particular attention to the preparation and update status of the data provided on the Website. Nevertheless, neither SubCon Electrical Fittings GmbH or any third party do warrant or guarantee, either expressly or implicitely the quality, pertinence, accuracy and completeness. Without the prior and express written permission of SubCon Electrical Fittings GmbH it is prohibited to copy, distribute or modify the content of the Website or any portion of it.